Bridging The Gap Between Founders & Funds

There are a lot of great startups that struggle to fundraise and a lot of investors that struggle to find them. We're bridging the gap.

For Startups

Understand & Connect With The Right Investors

Hundreds of hours are wasted pitching to the wrong investors. Approach the right investor with the right pitch with our help.
Watch & Participate in The Builders & Funders Show
Outsource Fundraising to Ostradis
Use our suite of tools to help you fundraise & grow
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Dashboard mockup
For Investors & Funds

Increase The Quality & Quantity of Your Deal-Flow

Use our shows, tools, and services to find the right startups to invest in. Save your team from spending hours on marketing & research.
Participate in the Builders & Funders Show
Explore Our Suite of Tools for Funds
Take advantage of our scouting & marketing services
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Get in touch today

Interested in being featured on the show as a investor or founder, book a short intro call or email us.

You can also book a call to discuss our fundraising & scouting for startups & investors.

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