Make Communication Your Advantage

From success with investors to customers to employees depends on your ability to sell. But how do you improve? Practice + Feedback. We help you do both.

What is salez

Salez is a Community of Founders like you

Founders that come together everyday to practice their sales skills and get better at pitching. Here is how it works.


Join the Community

First you join the community & introduce yourself.


Match With Founders

Based on your product, target customers, and stage you'll be matched with a group founders like you.


Practice & Feedback

You'll get to pitch each other as if you're pitching investors or customers and get feedback.

Being A Founder is Hard

But becoming a better communicator makes it easier. Being able to transfer your enthusiasm, passion, and ideas to others is a superpower.

We'll help you make it your superpower as a founder.  

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Practice With Founders

Nobody understands you more than other founders. Practice your pitch with them and get feedback.

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Pitch Classes

We also host pitch classes with investors & experts frequently to help you with parts your stuck in.

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Show Off Your Progress

The founders we select also get a chance to pitch investors on our show Builders & Funders.

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Use AI

We will soon release our AI program that will give you feedback alongside other founders.

Let's Make Communication Your Competitive Advantage


Join today

Let's get your journey started today. 30 day money back guarantee.

All great journeys begin by committing. We made this community paid to make sure everyone that joins is serious about getting better.